15 Feb Dorothee Schneider rocks the Championship Tour
(Neumünster) Team World Champion Dorothee Schneider has won the national Grand Prix at the VR CLASSICS in Neumünster in the Zech Immobilien and the Helenenhofs Schwiebert Prize. With daughter of Quaterback, Pathétique, owned by Austria’s Rider President Elisabeth Max-Theurer, the rider from Hesse secured over 75 percent, launching her into the top spot ahead of her competitors in the Grand Prix. In second place came Helen Langehaneneberg from Billerbeck with Annabelle – a Holstein mare from Conteur.
“Annabelle, oh Annabelle…”
“I was pleased”, said Langehanenberg, “she is certainly something special. I value this horse a great deal but you have to be really careful that you neither push her too much or too little. And a few years ago I thought I’d never be able to ride her in halls like the ones here in Neumünster because she’s so prone to having a good nose around at what’s going on”. The big brown mare obviously liked what she saw when she “nosed” around the Holstenhalle.
20 year old wins opening jumping competition at the VR CLASSICS
The first international headline was delivered by a 20-year-old show jumper from Emsbüren. Justine Tebbel triumphed in the international opening jumping contest – the Turnier & Reitsportgemeinschaft Holstenhalle Neumünster Prize – with her horse Baltimore. “He’s the horse I rode my first S jumping tests with “, reported the impressive 20-year-old rider. A sporting partner that she knows well then, and on Friday Justine thought to herself “I’ll give it a shot, but I really hadn’t banked on it ending in a win”. It was not only Justine who had reason to celebrate on Friday. Tim Rieskamp-Goedeking and horse owner Lutz Goessing also enjoyed success when Tim won the opening competition in the Youngster Tour, the Ramada Flensburg Prize by HR Group, with Special Envoy. A good omen for the second part of the young horse tour at the VR CLASSICS, which will be decided on Saturday in the Lutz Goessing Prize.
Things are rather coming full circle as Goessing has for many years sponsored a qualification test for the seven- and eight-year old young horses, which leads to the sh:z Youngster Final on Sunday. The man certainly knows his stuff – he himself has ridden several times in the Holstenhallen and in 1973 won the Grand Prix with Rocca.
Also something of a “youngster” is Justine Tebbel. She is the “little” sister of world-championship rider Maurice Tebbel and daughter of three-time German Champion Rene Tebbel. But Justine is far from clueless – she has already gained valuable championship experience as a junior and young rider.
Friederike Hahn wins small tour – Isabell Werth shows Quintus Neumünster
Friederike Hahn from Tangsted has won the second test of the international small tour with Die Fürstin. The stuckeGroup Prize was competed as an Intermediaire I-freestyle and certainly whet the appetite for more dressage. This will come on Saturday morning in the form of the international Grand Prix, the Madeleine Winter-Schulze Prize, when the focus will be firmly on qualification for the FEI Dressage World Cup – the Grand Prix freestyle in the VR Bank Neumünster Prize. Dressage fans can look forward to Isabell Werth bringing her Olympic mare Weihegold OLD to the starting line of the World Cup competition. “Weihe”, as the mare is simply known, started life in Bargteheide in Schleswig-Holstein with breeders Inge and Gerd Bastian. The dark beauty travelled from Rheinberg to the VR CLASSICS with chestnut horse Quintus. “It’s only his fifth or sixth tournament”, laughed Isabell Werth after their performance in the national Grand Prix. The chestnut horse, who had never before stepped foot in the Holstenhallen, was wide-eyed, carefully taking in his surroundings, and trusted his rider. Werth: “He held his breath a few times but was very brave.”
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Press Release 2019 February 15th