08 Nov VR CLASSICS Neumünster 2021 cancelled
Mühlen/Hagen a.T.W., December 21st, 2020.
“With a heavy heart we are forced by the current COVID situation to cancel the VR CLASSICS Neumünster from February 18th – 21st, 2021”, said Show Director Paul Schockemöhle.
“The latest development in Germany and also in Schleswig-Holstein is worrying, so the government currently decided a hard lockdown with a ban of any kind of public events until at least January 10, 2021. Despite severe restrictions, the infection numbers are continuing to rise dramatically. This must be urgently stopped and get under control. Every individual must contribute to this – including us. This is why we had no other choice but to cancel the VR CLASSICS, because even in February an incidence value of less than 50 can hardly be expected, and in addition there are entry restrictions, so that the internationality of the tournament can probably hardly be guaranteed”, Schockemöhle continued.
The team around Francois Kasselmann has prepared numerous scenarios with heart and soul as well as a detailed hygiene concept in order to be able to organize the VR CLASSICS even with a very small number of spectators. Nevertheless, the temporal advance is no longer given, in order to ensure a serious preparation of the VR CLASSICS in the quality of our requirement, underlines Bettina Schockemöhle.
In February 2021 the VR CLASSICS would have been quite different. Nevertheless, the organizers wanted to offer the riders the opportunity to practice their sport and at the same time make it possible for the fans to experience the show in jumping and dressage around the FEI Dressage World Cup, which has been an integral part of the VR CLASSICS for 34 years, whether live on site, via ClipMyhorse.TV, FEI.TV or on NDR television. “We are committed to the sport, but the health situation is serious and the safety of everyone involved has absolute priority”, says Ullrich Kasselmann.
“It is a pity that the FEI Dressage World Cup cannot take place in the ‘Hexenkessel’ of the VR CLASSICS Neumünster and I thank the organizers for trying everything. The VR CLASSICS are a very special World Cup location due to the unique atmosphere. Despite the cancellation of many World Cup stations, the final in Gothenburg will be hosted by an alternative admission model. This is important for our sport”, sums up Isabell Werth, the most successful dressage rider in the world and the new President of the International Dressage Riders Club.
The VR CLASSICS team would like to warmly thank all its partners. It is fantastic how the sponsors, the city of Neumünster and especially the operator of the Holstenhallen have shown extraordinary solidarity and fought for the VR CLASSICS in the last months.
This makes us confident for the VR CLASSICS from February 17th-22nd, 2022, then hopefully again in the usual form.