01 Feb VR CLASSICS 2023 – Top Field in the FEI Dressage World Cup
(Neumünster) The World Cup Qualifier on Sunday in Neumünster’s Holstenhallen is a highlight of the VR CLASSICS from 16 – 19 February 2023. And for this highlight we can expect an exceptional and exciting field of riders. First and foremost: Neumünster’s record winner Isabell Werth from Rheinberg, who intends to bring her magnificent Emilio with her. Equestrian fans can certainly look forward to a spectacular VR Bank zwischen den Meeren – FEI Dressage World Cup.
Riders and horses will come from eight nations. Among them is Australia’s Simone Pearce, who is based in Werder near Potsdam and recently scored at the World Cup in London. With Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Daniel Bachmann-Andersen, two Danish team World Champions are coming to Neumünster, who are well mounted with Blue Hors Zepter (Merrald) and Zippo MI (Bachmann). The Netherlands will be competing with a strong team: Emmelie Scholtens was part of the 2022 World Cup team, Marieke van der Putten, Denise and Jeanine Neckermann, as well as Kirsten Brouwer also want to conquer the Holstenhallen.
The World Cup-experienced Finn Emma Kanerva doesn’t have that far to go, she travels from Harsefeld to Neumünster with the German-bred chestnut Greek Air. The German line-up includes the World Cup team mates Isabell Werth and Ingrid Klimke (Münster), who just collected World Cup points in Amsterdam and are in first and second place in the World Cup ranking. Also Hendrik Lochthowe (Butzbach), Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock (Krefeld) and Northern Germany’s famous trainer Juliane Brunkhorst (Hamburg).
PICTURE: Reunion at the VR CLASSICS – World Team Champion Nanna Skoborg Merrald comes to the FEI Dressage World Cup Qualifier. (Photo: Stefan Lafrentz)